Too radical church

Robert W. Oliver  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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Too radical church

Doctrines of the Church in the Reformation,
1500 –1590
By Andrew Allan Chibi
James Clarke & Co. 486 pages. £40.00
ISBN 978 0 227 176 382

This detailed book is the work of a freelance scholar and sometime lecturer in the University of Leicester.

He has previously written on the European and English Reformations. His students have often questioned him about the diverse views of church government extant during the Reformation period. Since he could direct them to no single work dealing with these views, he wrote this book. He ranges from the approach of Erasmian humanists through to the teachings of the second generation of Reformers, before turning to the response of the Roman Catholic Church to the demand for structural reform. Each of these constituencies struggled to deal with the question of the response of Christianity to the secular society in which it ministered.

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