Civil servants sued for saying sex is binary

Emily Pollok  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  18 Nov 2024
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Civil servants sued for saying sex is binary

Andreas Mueller. Source: Crowd Justice

Two civil servants for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are facing legal action over allegations of discrimination against transgender people.

A colleague of Andreas Meuller and Elspeth Drummer-Wrigley, who currently remains anonymous, thinks the pair should be reprimanded for their view that transgender people can’t change their sex, The Telegraph reported. Mueller and Drummer-Wrigley are co-chairs of the Sex Equality and Equity Network (SEEN), a department of Defra the claimant is now calling to be shut down.

SEEN is a cross-government staff network, described by Drummer Wrigley as 'the only civil service network that clearly treats sex and sexual orientation as concepts defined in the Equality Act, which should never be conflated with or replaced by "gender identity."'

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