In Depth:  discrimination

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Christian school worker loses unfair dismissal claim

Christian school worker loses unfair dismissal claim

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

A Christian school pastoral worker has lost her claim for unfair dismissal after losing her job at a London Catholic school.

She had posted in support of Biblical marriage on her personal social media accounts. Gozen Soydag, 37, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), says she is ‘devasted and confused’ by the decision and will appeal.

Europe: Christian  discrimination on rise

Europe: Christian discrimination on rise

Luke Randall
Luke Randall

Discrimination against Christians is on the rise in Europe, according to the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe’s (OIDAC Europe) annual report.

The non-governmental organisation recently released its annual ‘Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe Report,’ which revealed that there were more than 2,400 anti-Christian hate crimes committed in 35 European countries in 2023, as reported by police forces and civil society, which included acts of violence, threat and harassment.

Disability History Month: The dark and hidden past of disability

Disability History Month: The dark and hidden past of disability

Kay Morgan-Gurr
Kay Morgan-Gurr

It’s Disability History Month. This has happened every year from 16th November to 16th December since 2010.

Has your church ever done events around this, in the same way many do events around Black History Month?

Civil servants sued for saying sex is binary

Civil servants sued for saying sex is binary

Emily Pollok
Emily Pollok

Two civil servants for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are facing legal action over allegations of discrimination against transgender people.

A colleague of Andreas Meuller and Elspeth Drummer-Wrigley, who currently remains anonymous, thinks the pair should be reprimanded for their view that transgender people can’t change their sex, The Telegraph reported. Mueller and Drummer-Wrigley are co-chairs of the Sex Equality and Equity Network (SEEN), a department of Defra the claimant is now calling to be shut down.

37,000 sign petition to see CofE vicar reinstated

37,000 sign petition to see CofE vicar reinstated

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

A petition calling for the reinstatement of Dr Bernard Randall to ministry in the Church of England has reached more than 37,610 signatures.

The Church of England vicar is awaiting a decision whether he can appeal a ruling rejecting his unfair dismissal and discriminations claims against a CofE school. He lost his job after giving a sermon on accepted CoE teachings on human sexuality. He is also taking legal action against the Diocese of Derby.

Panel rebuked for anti-Christian comments

Panel rebuked for anti-Christian comments

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

An employment tribunal panel member has been formally rebuked for making anti-Christian comments on social media which amounted to misconduct.

A ruling by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office noted that Jed Purkis, a non-lawyer and self-confessed socialist, had been hearing a ‘politically sensitive’ unfair dismissal case involving a teacher (‘Hannah’) and her Christian beliefs.

Social worker to appeal after losing 'dream job'

Social worker to appeal after losing 'dream job'

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

An NHS provider directly discriminated against social worker Felix Ngole by withdrawing his ‘dream job’ after discovering he held orthodox Christian beliefs on marriage, an Employment Tribunal has ruled.

But Ngole is appealing because the judge decided the employer was justified in not reinstating him following a second interview.

Survey reveals  faith fears

Survey reveals faith fears

en staff

A survey of 1,562 Christians says believers in the UK feel under attack.

The report, published by campaigning organisation Voice for Justice UK, states: ‘Christians do not feel free to say what they think... A lack of freedom of expression is experienced generally, not just in the workplace.

Christian discrimination probe launched

Christian discrimination probe launched

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

Christians in the UK have been urged to give their views and experiences on how free they feel to express and practice their faith today.

An online questionnaire has been published by Voice for Justice UK (VfJUK) to examine freedom of expression and practice of Christian beliefs in the UK, ahead of an Inquiry it will launch this month (September).

Christian parent reinstated as governor after sacking

Christian parent reinstated as governor after sacking

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

A Christian parent has been reinstated as an elected school governor by the High Court, after being sacked and ostracized for complaining about the primary school’s RSE lesson plans and policy. Under the lesson plans, children would be encouraged to discuss issues around gender ideology.

Both the governing body - and local authority appeal panel which upheld its decision - accepted that the removal of the parent as governor in 2021 was unlawful. The effect of the court order is that the governor’s reinstatement is retrospective from the date of her removal. Her name has been withheld for legal reasons.

Landmark  win for medic

Landmark win for medic

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

Dr David Mackereth, 60, had been a practising doctor for 26 years, until he lost his job with the DWP. He told the DWP in a training session that in good conscience as a Bible-believing Christian he could not identify clients by their chosen ‘gender identity’ instead of their biological sex. In response, the DWP declared this would amount to ‘harassment’ under the Equality Act 2010 and dismissed Dr Mackereth from his role as a Health and Disability Assessor.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Dr Mackereth launched a legal claim for discrimination on the grounds of his Christian and philosophical beliefs.

Christian theology lecturer dismissed for tweet

Christian theology lecturer dismissed for tweet

en staff

This March, Dr Aaron Edwards (37) was fired from his position as a theology lecturer at Cliff College, Derbyshire, following his controversial tweet concerning homosexuality.

The tweet, shared from his personal account, went viral. It read:

Preacher is  vindicated

Preacher is vindicated

Nicola Laver
Nicola Laver

Dave McConnell, a street preacher arrested in June 2021 after ‘misgendering’ a biological male, has had his conviction quashed. McConnell was reported to Prevent as a potential terrorist after being sentenced for a public order offence.

There is no legal requirement in the UK to use a person’s ‘preferred pronouns’, but McConnell – who has been street preaching for 15 years – was convicted for ‘insulting’ words and ordered to carry out 80 hours of community service and pay £620.

Teacher faces losing career

Teacher faces losing career

en staff

A Christian teacher facing allegations ranging from ‘misgendering’ a pupil and calling Muhammad a ‘false prophet’ could lose his career.

In January, 32-year-old Joshua Sutcliffe, appeared before a teachers’ disciplinary panel  and denied the charges. Sutcliffe, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was dismissed in 2017 from Cherwell school after refusing to use a pupil’s preferred pronoun in breach of its equality policy – despite having an exemplary teaching record.

Street Preacher  wins damages

Street Preacher wins damages

The Christian Institute

West Yorkshire Police has agreed to pay Huddersfield street preacher David McConnell (see photo) £3,250 in damages for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of human rights.

McConnell was preaching in 2019 when he faced hostile questions about abortion and sexuality, issues he had not been preaching about. Complaints were made and he was arrested without being informed as to what offence he was suspected of committing. In a case backed by the Christian Institute, the police force admitted liability.