200 years of the gospel at Grove Chapel

Paul Yeulett  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2019
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200 years of the gospel at Grove Chapel

2019 marks the bicentenary of Grove Chapel, Camberwell, south London, an historic, independent and non-conformist congregation in which the gospel has been faithfully preached throughout its history.

It all began with the conversion of a young man from Hertfordshire called Joseph Irons (1785-1852), who very soon experienced a desire to preach Christ and, through a remarkable series of providential events, found himself preaching at Camden Chapel in Camberwell, a mile or so from the present site of Grove Chapel. After being rejected by those in charge of the church for preaching God’s sovereign grace and faith in Christ alone, a breakaway group called Irons as pastor of a new church, in a new building.

The foundation stone was laid on 15 March 1819, and just four months later, on 20 July, the newly completed chapel was open for its dedication service.

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