Tribal influences

Ian Flanders  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2019
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Tribal influences

Rodney L. Reed (General Editor)
Langham Global Library. 290 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 783 684 731

This is a collection of theological essays mostly written by Kenyan Christian scholars. The essays seek to analyse and to address various issues that are confronting and shaping the church in Africa and that arise from their context of African Tribal Religion, the history of colonialism and traditional missionary practice.

I would not recommend this book for the general Christian reader; it is written in a scholarly style and assumes a good grounding in missiology and a prior knowledge of the African church. However, for those who have such grounding and who are perhaps engaged in teaching the African church, this book provides illuminating and helpful insights that can shape both understanding and ministry into such a context.

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