Month column for youth leaders:

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2003
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My dear nephew, Worm,

It is with interest I note that your patient has become a youth leader in the church. Although it will not be overlooked that your patient is becoming more involved, there are advantages. This role brings the opportunity to influence young minds, readily open to new ideas. I hope that you will rise to the challenge.

May I first suggest that you appeal to your patient's pride? Fill his mind with the idea that he is special because he has been given this job. Allow him to look down on the other members of the church as inferior. The Enemy foolishly tries to engender humility in our patients, but pride is so much easier to feed. As your patient begins to think like this it will begin to cause rifts between him and the other leaders. So much the better, it will make their job with the young people very difficult.

On the subject of teaching, you must remind your patient of how dull it can be. The young people don't really want to sit there listening when they could be playing games or listening to music. Do try to sway his mind towards popularity. Humans are particularly weak when it comes to their standing among one another. Fools. Make him think that the young people will like him more if he is popular and that he can gain popularity by giving them what they want. Of course, he will also save himself time if he does not have to teach so much. Let him remember how busy life is with his job and young family.

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