Monthly youth leaders column

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2004
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Just a couple of weekends ago there were several forlorn-looking parents in our congregation. At around the same time the local supermarket reported an increase in sales of tissues. That Sunday there were also some familiar faces were missing from the youth group and I figured it out. It was the start of the university term. Freshers had been duly delivered by parents with tears in their eyes. Little birds had grown into big birds and flown the nest.

Now, if we are to believe the sociologists, the university years are among the most formative in our lives. Ideas and world views are up for grabs. It is a time in which many people become Christians and stick with it for life. It is also a time when many people question the way they have been brought up and reject Christianity for life. University is an important time and one that needs to be prepared for and thought about carefully.

Now is the time of year when students in year 13 are beginning to think about what happens post-A levels. They will soon fill in the forms, take mock exams and decide on a potential university and career path. So now is the time to introduce more criteria than just academic potential into the equation. Here are some ideas to try on for size with the older members of your youth group.

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