
Roger Fawcett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2007
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(and not just on Sundays)
By Jeremy McQuoid. Authentic Media. 146 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 85078 666 6

‘Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’ We all have sung these words many times but what if we really meant it? That is what inspired Jeremy McQuoid to write this book and I’m thankful he has. In it he explores what it means to live a passionate Christian life, a life in which our hearts really do burn within us.

To help us, Jeremy likens our spiritual heart to the image of a human heart with its four chambers. He suggests that the four spiritual chambers burn for four different but indispensable things: God’s glory, God’s people, God’s world and God’s return. Each section has two or three very readable chapters that unpack the theme and conclude with some searching application.

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