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Australia: rolling the Prime Ministerial dice

On 15 September, Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s 29th Prime Minister. Incumbents have enjoyed an average of just under four years in the post since Federation in 1901. However, the country has had five prime ministerial appointments in the last eight years, so cynics have been quick to suggest that the country is heading for chronic political instability in line with Italy.

Peter Riddell, Vice Principal (Academic) at the Melbourne School of Theology, and Senior Fellow of Kairos Journal

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Malcolm Turnbull

Turnbull represents the stereotype of the self-made man. Brought up by his father after his mother left the family, Turnbull achieved well at school and after completing undergraduate studies in Sydney he won a Rhodes scholarship to study in Oxford. His widely recognised powerful intellect quickly set him on the path to achievement in a variety of fields.