letter from Australia

Why are Sydney Anglicans in decline?

David Robertson  |  World
Date posted:  16 Oct 2024
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Why are Sydney Anglicans in decline?

Sydney Anglicans are often (rightly) held up as a bright light in an otherwise darkening denominational structure. But is the light beginning to dim?

In a revealing, insightful and helpful report to the Sydney Anglican Synod, the facts on church size were revealed and analysed. The report is worth reading in detail, but in summary it shows that over the decade 2013–2023 the number attending Sydney Anglican churches declined by 7% (or 14% if you measure it by the size of the growing population). In 2013 adult attendance was 47,801. By 2023 this had declined to 44,592. Meanwhile the population of Sydney continues to grow – from 4.76 million people in 2013 to 5.26 million in 2023. It is expected to grow by another million by 2041.

The report noted a decline in areas where the church used to be strong, and small growth particularly in Western Sydney where the population expansion is largely taking place. One of the key issues identified is the big problem of reaching new people. Newcomers are now only 5.4% of the attendance.

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