Editor Lee Gatiss
MARK By Christopher K.W. Moore
303 pages. £19.99.
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189 pages. £19.99
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LUKE By David G. Peterson
447 pages. £22.99
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ACTS By Martin C. Salter
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ISBN 978 1 473 694 965
As a preacher I like to consult a few commentaries when preparing to preach. The commentaries I find to be essential are those that grasp the structure of the Biblical book, clearly exegete the content, have an eye for its message, and offer hints on how it speaks to a contemporary audience. What about this series?
The stated aim of this projected 50-volume commentary on the whole Bible is that it: ‘… seeks to provide the contemporary church with fresh and readable expositions of Scripture which are doctrinally sensitive and globally aware, accessible for all adult readers but particularly useful to those who preach and lead Bible studies in churches and small groups.’
What do the Gallagher brothers teach us about unity?
One of my favourite psalms is Psalm 133 which begins: 'How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live …