Bible stories remixed

Rebecca Chapman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2022
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Bible	stories remixed

Around the Bible With 10 Extraordinary Children
By Krish and Miriam Kandiah
Hodder and Stoughton. 240 pages. £12.99
ISBN 978 1 399 801 300

It’s not often that books make me cry. It’s even less common for the introduction of a book to make me feel a bit weepy, and in a good way. But this bright orange book, described by Kate Bottley as ‘witty, warm and wise’, managed it.

It begins with a warm letter to young readers setting out Krish and Miriam’s hope that they will learn the amazing truth that God loves them and wants to fit each of us ‘with your own wonderfully unique differences, into his global adventure’. Each chapter starts by introducing a modern child who is extraordinary, and then linking this to a Bible character that faced similar challenges. The overall package was a total hit in our house, where we live with difference daily as my nine-year-old is autistic.

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