Switching off

Matt Beeby  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2018
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Switching off

Faith to hit pause in a world that never stops
By Adam Mabry
The Good Book Company. 136 pages. £6.79
ISBN 978 1 784 983 208

‘Rest looks different to what you thought, and more important than you probably imagined.’ In a book that more and more people are talking about, Adam Mabry clarifies what true rest is (and what it isn’t), why we need it, and why many of us are struggling to do it.

The book opens with the author’s honest confession of his own personal battle: ‘I don’t do rest. I do do.’ He takes us through the biblical story of rest and its fulfilment in Christ. In doing so, he gets under the skin of why we struggle to hit pause and identifies three lies that Satan seeks to propagate: ‘I am what I do…God’s given me too much to do…’ and ‘if I stop, life just won’t work out.’ For each, he points to Christ as the solution and the Saviour.

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