Question of evil

Marcus Nodder  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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Question of evil

Christopher Ash
The Good Book Company. 95 pages. £3.99
ISBN 978 1 910 307 236

This latest contribution to the beautifully designed, multi-coloured, logo-embossed ‘Questions Christians Ask’ series tackles a question that is undeniably relevant. Confronted by events in the wider world, and rocked by tragedies in our own lives, we are all tempted at times to doubt that God really is in control. This book reassures us that he is sovereign and good, and helps us understand how that can be in the face of so much suffering.

After outlining six wrong answers to the question, the book takes as its text the line from the Lord’s Prayer, ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’.

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Variety show

This book writes up talks given by five speakers at the Desiring God 2010 National Conference.

Quite a quill

John Newton is well known as the converted slave-trader who wrote the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’.


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