Goodbye stiff upper lip?

Marcus Nodder  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2013
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Perspectives on emotions in Christian life and ministry
Edited by Michael P. Jensen. Apollos (IVP). 284 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 937

This collection of 11 essays on emotions in Christian life and ministry began life as talks at a conference held at Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia.

The stereotype that conservative evangelicals are suspicious of emotions makes the publication of this book on their place and importance especially welcome, not least because eight of the 11 chapters are by Moore College staff. After an opening sermon and an introduction to emotions, there are two main sections of four chapters each on emotions in God and in Christian life and ministry.

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Variety show

This book writes up talks given by five speakers at the Desiring God 2010 National Conference.

Quite a quill

John Newton is well known as the converted slave-trader who wrote the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’.

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