Unfinished argument

Marcus Nodder  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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Unfinished argument

Facing the inadequacies of unbelief
Edited by David J.Randall
Christian Focus. 192 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 781 912 706

In this book 11 Christians are given a chapter each to explain why they are not atheists.

One of its strengths is the personal dimension, with reasons and arguments for rejecting atheism being presented in the context of the contributor’s own lives, backgrounds and experiences. There is a variety of approach – one chapter is a tightly-argued essay by a debater responding to the arguments of I am not a Bertrand Russell in his Why Christian (to which this title alludes); another is a former journalist’s very personal account of her journey to faith in Christ, which was ‘mainly an emotional one’. The book does a good job of exposing the inadequacies of atheism with a humble, irenic tone, which contrasts with the aggression of some of the New Atheism it is countering.

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