
Philip Hacking  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2004
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By Robert L. Reymond
Christian Focus. 351 pages
ISBN 1 85792 896 2

Effective preaching depends upon consistent theology. This author may be more rigorously Reformed than many but his strong confidence in the integrity of Scripture and the sovereignty of preaching is very healthy. With the vibrant orthodoxy goes very practical advice based on a lifetime's experience. There is much about care for the preacher and his life as well as the sermon and its construction.

Particularly helpful is the emphasis on preaching within the context of worship, even the clearly evangelistic sermon. Some of us may be more kindly disposed towards church notices as a useful change of gear for the moment. Dr. Reymond makes much of his twin pivots of FCF (Fallen Condition Focus) and CS (Christological Solution) in sermon preparation.

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