Danny Kruger MP is the Member of Parliament for Devizes and an evangelical Christian.
He has previously worked in journalism and in politics, having worked as a speechwriter for David Cameron, and as Political Secretary to Boris Johnson when he was Prime Minister. In 2006 he and his wife Emma founded Only Connect, a project working in prisons to stop criminals re-offending.
Danny chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well, which promotes access to excellent care at the end of life and stands against the legalisation of assisted suicide. Danny and his mother, TV chef and national treasure Prue Leith, recently made a documentary for Channel 4 which saw them head off on a road trip to America and Canada together, exploring the issues around assisted dying from their contrasting viewpoints. Prue has been campaigning for the practice of assisted dying to be introduced to the UK for 12 years.
Can the new First Minister bring stability to Wales?
Can the new First Minister bring stability to Welsh politics? This question was asked in August when members of the …