Mission 2022: churches prepare to reach out afresh

John MacKinnon  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2021
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Mission 2022: churches prepare to  reach out afresh

We have all heard the phrase ‘build back better’ many times in recent days as everyone seeks to establish what a new normal will look like.

For the church of our Lord Jesus Christ the pandemic has given all of us an opportunity to review much of our activity and to ask serious questions, as we emerge from the various restrictions, as to how we can recalibrate and refocus on the centrality of the good news of the gospel.

Gathering and preparing

Many churches across the UK and Ireland are gathering and preparing for a united month of mission leading up to April 2022, journeying together under the united banner of ‘A Passion for Life’. APFL longs to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed to every generation across the UK and Ireland by:

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