Leaving lockdown with love

Helen Thorne-Allenson  |  Features  |  pastoral care
Date posted:  1 Apr 2021
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Leaving lockdown with love

photo: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There were moments when it felt like it would never happen. Weeks when we couldn’t even remember how sitting in a park might feel. But, after months of tight restrictions, we’ve started the process of leaving lockdown behind.

Many are rejoicing. Most are looking forward to further relaxation ahead. But, before we put the bunting out too high, let’s not forget the people for whom the mapped-out changes feel very far from the good news the headlines proclaim it to be.

Some have flourished…

There are those for whom church online has allowed them to engage in ways they couldn’t before. There are carers and shift workers who could rarely attend in the flesh but have been able to watch services online, and disabled people who have been able to turn the service volume up (or down) to make it possible to engage well for the first time in years.

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