Parents, take back control

David Robertson  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 May 2019
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Parents, take back control

photo: iStock

En route to Sydney airport our Bangladeshi taxi driver was fascinated to hear about my occupation. ‘You’re a Pastor? What does your church think about same-sex marriage?’ ‘We don’t agree with it and think that it’s wrong, unbiblical and bad for humanity’.

He was genuinely shocked and pleased. His mosque had told him that Christian churches were largely pro-gay marriage and, given the constant appearances of church leaders in the media advocating that position, they had good reason. He was so pleased with the answer that the conversation continued and by the time we got to the airport we were discussing the death of Jesus on the cross!

Anaemia and acquiescence

Many Muslims do not understand why Christianity has been so weak and so willing to cave into the predominant culture. Again they have a point. When Parkside Community school in Birmingham sought to impose a sex education/relationships programme entitled ‘No Outsiders’ it was so strongly opposed by the parents that it had to be withdrawn. Now another four Muslim majority schools have also withdrawn the programme. Meanwhile in schools up and down the land, Christian parents are allowing their rights to be overridden and are meekly acquiescing in this new programme of state indoctrination. Ofsted have made it a priority to ensure that LGBTQ+ indoctrination is practised in every school.

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