Israel: Message of hope

Charles Gardner  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jul 2024
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Israel: Message of hope

Stock photo of Iranian rockets | photo: Wiki

Where terrified Israelis had only weeks earlier come under a hail of rockets from Iran, a young Iranian man brought a message of love, hope and reconciliation to the streets of Tel Aviv.

Unashamed and unabashed, Rami (whose surname is withheld for security reasons) declared how his life had changed through the Jewish Messiah and prayed that Israel and Iran would once again be friends.

Speaking amidst two-and-a-half hours of worship in a city square organised by the Dutch-led ‘Presence’ revival movement, he said: ‘I was taught to hate the Jews and to hate Israel. Every morning in school they told us to say “death to Israel; death to America”.’

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