France: Priez pour Paris

Tom Forryan  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jan 2020
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France: Priez pour Paris

Et moi, je n’aurais pas pitié de Ninive, la grande ville? (Jonah 4:11). God asks the reluctant prophet to agree that, yes he should indeed take pity on the great city.

With that divine concern in mind, 14 Brits came together recently in Paris for the second ‘Pray for Paris’ weekend. The group met with an experienced Parisian pastor and his wife for news and prayer requests, and also prayed with a UK missionary in Paris. One participant said: ‘I have always loved Paris, but I had never prayed for Paris.’

On Saturday afternoon some went around the Gare du Nord talking to people about Christ. People from Senegal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Uzbekistan, and the UK were met with.

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