Saudi: destroy all churches

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2015
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Saudi: destroy all churches

The Grand Mufti

Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al al-Sheikh, Saudi’s Grand Mufti and top authority on Sunni religious law, called for all churches in the Arabian Peninsula to be destroyed, as per Muhammad’s command to rid the region of all Jews and Christians.

The statement was made on 17 March in response to an enquiry from a delegation from Kuwait after Kuwaiti MP Osama al-Munawar made a statement on Twitter in February that he was planning to submit a Bill to remove all churches in the country. The same MP later clarified that what he really meant to say was that he would submit a Bill to prevent the construction of any new churches in the country, not the destruction of existing church buildings.

Nevertheless, the Grand Mufti said that, as part of the Arabian Peninsula, it is necessary that Kuwait destroy all of its churches.

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