Iran: three arrested

Mohabat News  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2013
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Iran: three arrested

Ebrahim Firouzi

On August 21, security authorities arrested three Iranian Christians in Karaj, two of whom are Farsi-speaking and the other an Iranian-Armenian.

According to the report, on August 21 Ebrahim Firouzi and Sevada Aghasar went to visit Masoud Mirzaei in his office in an insurance company in Karaj, when plainclothes security authorities raided the office and arrested all three Christians. Ebrahim Firouzi was on temporary bail at the time, due to serve the remainder of a one-year prison sentence before being exiled to a remote border town for two years.

Unknown location

The authorities then transferred them to an unknown location. No indication has been given as to the charges for their arrest.

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