‘God speaks my language’

Nicola Laver  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  4 Dec 2024
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‘God speaks my language’

A group from Grace Urdu Hindi Church in Bradford.

‘God speaks my language’ – the theme and testimony of many at Grace Baptist Mission’s Annual Mission Day.

At Friends House on London’s Euston Road, many GBM missionaries shared stories on the last Saturday in October of how people all over the world are hearing God’s word in their own heart language – through preaching, teaching, Bible translation, personal evangelism, literature and radio programmes.

In one session, some of us were taken to West Africa where a team has gathered to translate the Bible, deciding what words and phrases to use. It’s quite a task – but we had a powerful reminder that God’s word is living and active. The missionary (who can’t be named for security reasons) reported how, as they read through the translation of a Bible text they had worked on alongside a couple of local pastors, a time of real rejoicing followed. Other times there was a more sombre response to as they read very challenging passages.

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