Reformation and Revival conference: remembering the work of God

Reformation and Revival  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jan 2024
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Reformation and Revival conference: remembering the work of God

Speakers at the conference

This conference is a little different from other conferences. As one person explained it, “Other conferences inform and bless you, but this conference touches the heart”. The Hayes Conference centre saw over 80 people gather from many parts of the UK during the third week in November to hear stirring ministry and to pray together for the work of the gospel in our land.


There were three speakers who all spoke powerfully about the work of God in His people. Ian Hamilton spoke Jonathan Edwards reflections on the Awakenings in Northampton in 1734-35. The reality and biblical promise of God’s reviving grace was illuminated by clear and practical teaching and application. Paul Mallard was concerned to show us the marks of Christian maturity as set out in Philippians. In his own unique and helpful manner Paul showed us how Christ is to be reflected in our lives as the Spirit of God applies the truths of the glory of Christ. Stuart Olyott reminded us in two moving addresses of the two central focusses of Christianity, the Cross and the Second coming of the Lord.

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