BST: the final commentary

IVP  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2015
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BST: the final commentary

Alec Motyer

For over 40 years, the volumes in IVP’s The Bible Speaks Today (BST) series have sought to help Christians better understand the Bible and how it should impact their lives.

The Message of Joshua by David G. Firth, is no exception. Published in September, Firth’s commentary constitutes the final book of the Bible to be expounded, seeing this renowned series – which began in 1968 with John Stott’s Only One Way on Galatians – finally reach its completion. Alec Moyter takes time to reflect on his decades spent as series editor for The Bible Speaks Today: Old Testament series as he speaks to Elizabeth Neep of IVP.

EN: Alec, congratulations on the completion of The Bible Speaks Today series! Please tell our readers a little about how and when your involvement in the BST series first began?
Well, in 1974, IVP first published my exposition of the prophet Amos, under the title The Day of the Lion. If you study the cover design carefully you will find the words ‘The Voice of the Old Testament’ in it. This was my idea, and Ronald Inchley – then the IVP supremo – went along with the idea of an Old Testament series under that title in parallel to what John Stott was doing for the New Testament under The Bible Speaks Today name. What happened next I can’t remember! It must have been John’s initiative but my Amos book became the first contribution to The Bible Speaks Today: Old Testament and The Voice of the Old Testament bit the dust!

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