Norwich pastor stands his ground

Adrian Hilton  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2013
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Norwich pastor stands his ground

Alan Clifford

On August 17, the Rev. Dr. Alan Clifford, pastor of the Norwich Reformed Church, became the subject of a criminal investigation after sending two gospel tracts by email to the leaders of a gay pride event.

The tracts prompted the recipients to contact the police, alleging that a homophobic crime had been committed. Dr. Clifford was offered an on-the-spot fine of £90, thus admitting his guilt, which he refused to do. He decided to contest the allegation and provide a signed statement in his defence, which, after a review by a senior officer, has now been referred to the Crown Prosecution Service where he may have to appear in court to defend his actions.

Homophobic offence?

During the police interview Dr. Clifford was asked why he had sent the email. He responded that he ‘was reporting to the gay-pride people our Christian complaint against the public display of their homosexual propaganda, which we find offensive’.

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