Ministering from the pits of despair

John Hall  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2021
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Ministering from the pits of despair

Edited by
Stephen Kneale
Grace publications. 144 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 912 154 319

It’s not always easy for pastors to open their hearts to the spiritual battles that they have to face in the Christian ministry. Stephen Kneale has persuaded seven of them to open their hearts to the battles they have had in overcoming depression. Most of us will recognise some of the issues that we have had or may have to cope with as we preach the gospel.

Normally, we would start reading at the beginning of a book, but I found it more helpful to start at the chapter titled ‘Conclusion’ at the end of the book. The reason being that we are given six reasons for reading the book in the first place! This will give you an overview of the ground that he is going to cover before you get down to the individual issues detailed.

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