A fresh take on the Old

Lena King  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2019
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A fresh take on	the Old

Old Testament Daily Readings
By Glen Scrivener
10 Publishing. 481 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 912 373 567

Being a young person in the 1980s and 1990s, as I was, everything ‘cool’, new, and on point was ‘fresh’. As I read this book of daily readings, the word ‘fresh’ came to mind repeatedly.

As you may expect from Glen Scrivener, this book is on point, relevant, and each day it takes a fresh look at Old Testament passages with gospel eyes. On Day 1, Scrivener writes that, surely, the meaning of our lives is ‘to discover, to enjoy and to share the God who is love’. This book is a helpful resource in that task.

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