Radical histories

Robert Strivens  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2018
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Radical histories

Rebels & Radicals of the Civil War
& Mayflower Generation
By Martyn Whittock
Lion. 249 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 0 745 980 423

Martyn Whittock taught history in a secondary school for many years and has written numerous history books. In this one, he tells the story of the radical groups of the 1640s and 1650s who, in one way or another, believed that England should be ruled strictly by the laws of the Bible.

His book is easy to read, aimed at the general reader who wants to understand this period of English history better. This occasionally leads to poor comparisons, for example, likening Cromwell’s campaigns in Ireland to the strategy of ISIS.

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