Solid cross

Rhodri Brady  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2018
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Solid cross

Timothy Cross
Evangelical Press. 115 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978 1 783 971 930

EP are not a hip or trendy publisher (no offence, guys). And – as far as my Christian street-cred radar can tell – Timothy Cross is not a hip or trendy author (no offence, Tim).

However, even though this book is not published by Crossway or The Good Book Company and even though it is not written by someone up-to-the-minute like Craig Blomberg or James Hamilton, and even though the cover contains a fairly naff stock image of some modern crucifixion iconog-raphy and has not been designed by a graphic designer who has also done work for Nike and Coca-Cola, the content in the book is straight-down-the-line solid Biblical Theology.

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