Coping admirably

Ruth Eardley  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2017
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Coping admirably

Living for a quarter of a century with
the neuroimmune disorder ME
(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
By Hazel Stapleton
Day One. 64 pages. £5
ISBN 978 1 846 255 823

It’s tough to have ME. The exhaustion and pain are bad enough, but the illness is surrounded by ignorance and uncertainty, even among health professionals. There is no definitive diagnostic test and different therapies work for different people. Many specialists believe that ME is not a single entity and this adds to the confusion.

This book was written to help people understand the impact of severe ME. Hazel Stapleton was 18, a committed Christian, and training to be a nurse when her health deteriorated suddenly. Since then she has encountered many difficulties and frustrations, not least the prejudice which writes off the condition as ‘all in the mind’.

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