What new birth looks like

Stanley Jebb  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2017
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What new birth looks like

Original testimonies of converts during
Spurgeon’s early years
Compiled by Hannah Wyncol
The Wakeman Trust. 141 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978 1 908 919 748

This slim volume punches well above its weight. In fact it delivers three unexpected punches. To change the metaphor, there are at least three challenges to complacent modern churches in this little book, but they are hidden challenges, because on the surface this is a record of testimonies, some quite moving. But it is much more than that.

The book is a compilation of 138 testimonies of those converted during the early years of Spurgeon’s ministry. These were selected from over 15,000 such testimonies recorded in 30 handwritten volumes in the Metropolitan Tabernacle archives. As such they are a testimony to God’s grace and also an insight into the social history of Victorian England, because of the wide variety of employment and circumstances recorded.

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