Worth what?

Ruth Williams  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2016
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Worth what?

Finding Treasure in the Messiness of Life.
By Cathy Madavan
Authentic Media. 218 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 778 078 131

Digging for Diamonds is written by Cathy Madavan, a speaker with the Care For the Family team and regular columnist for Liberti magazine. Cathy is part of the Spring Harvest planning team and the book is endorsed by Rob Parsons and Diane Louise Jordan.

The strapline for the book is ‘Finding Treasure in the Messiness of Life’. The theme of diamonds runs through the whole book and there are chapter headings that reflect this. The book focusses on four areas of the Christian life: Identity – Valuable, Unique, Created; Strength – Flawed, Connected, Resilient; Character – Hidden, Authentic, Lavish; Purpose – Inherited, Multi-faceted, Transformed. Each chapter is anecdotal rather than expository and there are little ‘gems’ of truth next to the diamond logo: for example, under the chapter ‘Valuable’ there is a picture of a diamond with the caption ‘Expressing to others how valuable they are to us and to God is really not a hard thing to do.’

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