Let me tell you about the birds and bees

Ann Benton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2014
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Let me tell you about the birds and bees

(for girls/for boys)
By Dr Chris Richards and Dr Liz Jones
EP Books. 76 pages. £7.99 each
ISBN 978 1 783 970 001 – for girls
ISBN 978 0 852 349 991 – for boys

How will our children learn about sex? From whispers in the playground? From teen magazines? From sex education at school? From overtones, undertones, innuendos and blatant promiscuity on television and other media?

Many a parent has rightly attempted the ‘embarrassing talk’ with pre-adolescent offspring. Some have flunked it and hoped for the best with some generalised comments and warnings. Parents should be aware that school sex education lessons at their best are generally deliberately devoid of any kind of moral framework. At their worst they can propagate lies and promote promiscuity by giving an ‘everybody’s doing it’ message. Frequently they are little more than a ‘how-to’ guide. But to remove your children from such sessions and then say little or nothing yourself is hardly helpful either.

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