Plodding on is okay

Paul Watts  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2013
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Plodding on is okay

Biblical Reflections on Quiet Leadership for
Reluctant Leaders
By Brian Harris
Paternoster. 190 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 842 277 874

As the title suggests this is an unusual book. Its thesis, of course, is that unlikely entrants to a race can win simply by continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

Christian leaders of colleges, businesses, churches, trusts, charities can find themselves thrust into a position of responsibility. They are not all — or even often — charismatic personalities or natural born leaders. They lack the speed and flair of the hare. But they can be encouraged, like the tortoise, to plod on. In fact there are some strong advantages of quiet leadership. A reluctant leader can be more promising than you think. Leadership virtues and values can carry more weight than innate abilities.

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