Hot Calvinism

Paul Williams  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2013
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By Brian A. Russell
Grace Publications. 240 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 0 946 462 858

Subtitled ‘An explanation of the sovereignty of God and our experience of his saving grace’, this is a most helpful book, similar to the much older, and greatly appreciated Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray.

The author divides this book into two. In part one, he takes five chapters to explain each of the five points of Calvinism, showing us clearly how ‘the doctrines of grace’ lie at the very heart of the biblical gospel. His introductory chapter is a much-needed corrective, reminding us of the historical context which led to a need to define ‘the five points of Calvinism’. As Brian Russell points out in the opening introduction, this came only in response to ‘the five articles’ being put forward by the Arminian Remonstrants.

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