Upper room

Roger Hitchings  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2013
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Christ’s glory and grace in John 17
By Ian S. McNaughton. Day One. 204 pages. £8.00
ISBN 978 1 846 252 969

A Puritan once said of John 17: ‘It is the greatest prayer that was ever offered on earth and it followed the greatest sermon that was ever preached on earth’. It is full of encouragement and instruction that will equip and strengthen us in our walk in the world. Sadly, this chapter seems to be either neglected or misused.

Ian McNaughton has produced a helpful treatment of this great chapter which will enable readers to get great benefit from it. It is easy to read and the chapter is developed in a very understandable way. He carefully explains the meaning of the text and develops the doctrinal elements very instructively. Mr. McNaughton makes appropriate applications to normal life and to current issues throughout the book. There are passages which helpfully deal with many subjects, including prayer and worship, the chain of salvation, the incarnation, impeccability, Christ and Islam, the Bible and Truth, and so on. Here is a faithful exposition of John 17, with much important and useful application and doctrinal explanation. The author brings out the excellences of the Lord Jesus Christ, highlighting the High Priestly ministry of the Saviour in a reliable exposition of this great prayer.

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