Sermon trackr

John Tindall  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2011
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SERMON TRACKR Burris Consulting Group

For pastors who use iPhones and iPads, this little app is very useful. It is designed to help the preacher keep track of what sermons have been preached and where. There are three interwoven sections.

First, there is a services database in which initial entries are made with details of when, where, what, and what kind of meeting are included. Second, there is a section on which messages are preached, including details of passage read and preached upon. Third, there is a places section for details of the places in which ministry was undertaken.

So, clicking on ‘Services’ shows a list of all your meetings gathered in monthly bandings. Clicking on an entry in ‘Messages’ shows where that message was preached and when. Clicking on ‘Places’ shows you when you preached there and what.

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