Not exactly a ‘must read’

Mostyn Roberts  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2011
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By Andrew Cheatle
Paternoster. 242 pages. £24.99
ISBN 978 1 842 272 169

W.E. Sangster, says Andrew Cheatle, was ‘one of British Methodism’s most important mid-20th-century figures’. This book focuses on Sangster’s contribution to the Wesleyan understanding of sanctification and perfection.

It begins with a biographical survey and then examines the subject’s theological roots and developments. His twin passions throughout his ministry were evangelism and holiness, seeing the two as inseparable. In the mid-1930s, Sangster began to study Wesley’s doctrine in earnest. Cheatle identifies three interpretations of the doctrine in the century up to 1938: Classical Wesleyanism, the Pentecostal/Experiential Emphasis and the Critical Emphasis.

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