Blood, sweat and jeers

Michael Lockwood  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2010
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The cross and resurrection of Jesus
By D.A. Carson. IVP. 160 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-416-9

In December 2008, Don Carson gave five addresses at a conference in Seattle. His purpose was to explain not only what happened at the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but also what the events meant. This book is the written form of his talks.

From his first sermon drawing devotionally from Matthew 27, he takes us in his second sermon to Romans 3.21-26. Here we have a masterly summary of what Jesus actually achieved on the cross. Consistent to his aim, to provide an introduction to the cross and resurrection, he clearly defines terms like redemption, propitiation, and expiation. Next comes a vital message from Revelation 12, on how Christians are to overcome in the spiritual battle against Satan. His last sermons, both expounding passages in John, deal with the resurrection of Lazarus, and how vital Thomas’s testimony is to us.

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