All over the world

Ray Porter  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2010
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Belief and practice in an era of World Christianity
Edited by Craig Ott & Harold A. Netland. Apollos. 382 pages £17.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-173-1

This book deals with an important subject. It began as the papers given at a conference in 2004 at Trinity Evangelical Seminary, Illinois, in honour of Paul G. Hiebert, the renowned American missiologist.

The book is divided into three unequal parts: World Christianity and Theological Reflection; Methodological Issues in Globalizing Theology; and Implications of Globalizing Theology. The first section sets out the need for theology which reflects the growth of the world church and the need for each culture to articulate biblical truths in relevant forms. However, although there is a chapter on Anthropological Reflections on Contextualizing Theology, there is no thorough theological analysis of the whole project. This would have been a better book if there had been interaction with some Dutch theological missiologists like J.H. Bavinck.

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