Holistic Genesis

David Tyler  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2009
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A biblical theology of creation
By Andrew S. Kulikovsky. Christian Focus. 312 pages. £11.00
ISBN 978-1-84550-446-5

Thinking about creation and origins often centres on specific questions like the timescale for the six days, or the distinctive literary structure of Genesis 1. In a major analysis of the biblical texts, Andrew Kulikovsky moves the discussion along by stressing the need to cultivate a holistic approach. The biblical teaching about origins is not a secondary issue but foundational for a Christian worldview.

The grand themes that should enliven our thinking are Creation, the Fall and Restoration. In each of these areas, the author discusses the views of scholars, explains their often conflicting perspectives, and shows that biblical theology provides a sure guide for those seeking answers.

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