Rocky in training!

Sonia Wardle  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2009
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The Training Years
By Helen Clark. Day One. 112 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978-1-84625-157-3

I read this book of personal Bible study as it was intended, a section each day. I was most impressed.

The book goes through Simon Peter’s early years, following the Saviour and learning, sometimes getting things wrong. But all the time he is being trained by Jesus for the task of church leadership which lay ahead. The book is most attractively produced, of a size to fit into a pocket. It is intended for an adolescent readership and has been welcomed by people in their 20s. A passage of Scripture is given to be read before embarking on the study: it is not printed out but sends the readers back to their own Bible. There is a clear account of anything needed for the background and understanding of the passage. Then the passage is applied under a section called ‘Message for Today’, and this is where the book scores highly in giving young people guidance in applying the passage to daily living, pitched at their level. The section ends with a ‘Think Tank’ to provide further thought in applying what has been read.

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