Disciple maker

Stephen Nowak  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2009
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Fulfilling your role as a teaching shepherd
By Paul Tautges. Day One. 88 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978-1-846251-54-2

The book is all about authentic Christian ministry, making disciples Gods way; being shepherds who care, provide, feed, carry, lead and protect God’s flock.

It exhorts pastors to a renewed reliance on the sufficiency of Scripture. We have a sure and sufficient revelation from God, so why do ministers and elders need to resort to man-centred theology with church-growth theories and pragmatic methodology which make pastors into business professionals rather than pastors after God’s own heart who feed the flock on heaven sent knowledge and understanding? The message that this book contains is vital for the purity and usefulness of the church.

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