The way we live now

Kirsten Birkett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2008
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By D.A. Carson
Apollos. 244 pages. £12.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-279-0

Discussion about the relationship between Christ and culture is becoming particularly pressing these days. We not only live in a world which is itself forced to address issues of culture, and how different ‘cultures’ can live together, but the declining influence of Christianity in the Western world means that Christians must re-evaluate the place of confessional Christianity in the midst of this. Christians have offered various ways forward, and H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and culture (1951) remains very influential for the kinds of solutions being offered.

Don Carson’s Christ and culture revisited is both a critique of Niebuhr’s work, and a statement of Carson’s own views about the interaction between Christ and culture. It is a book that sets out a position and broad themes rather than working through particular issues in detail, but as such it is a very useful contribution to the discussion.

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