How did we get to here?

Charlie Matthews  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2008
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The Monetary Teachings of Jesus Christ
By David Cowan. Paternoster. 210 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978-1-932805-72-7

The book is set out with each chapter posing a question — such as, ‘Do we envy our neighbour?’ or ‘The things we have, whose are they?’ Then follows one of Jesus’s parables and the author’s reflection.

In some ways I wish I had read the end of the book right at the start, because the last chapter really explains what the author was aiming at when he wrote the book. Here he says: ‘The point that this book seeks to make is that the market system [i.e. Capitalism] is not contrary to Christianity, and its alternatives are not morally superior either’.

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