Open to interpretation

Peter Misselbrook  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2006
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General Editor: Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Baker Academic/SPCK. 866 pages + 30 pages of Indexes. £35.00
ISBN 0 281 05780 X

Kevin Vanhoozer, the General Editor, opens the Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible with a helpful introduction entitled, What is Theological Interpretation of the Bible?

Dr. Vanhoozer argues that it is an approach to the Bible which takes seriously its claim to be ‘a word from God about God’. It is reading the Bible as Scripture, reading which seeks to learn of God and of his purposes. As such, ‘theological interpretation of the Bible is not the exclusive property of biblical scholars but the joint responsibility of all the theological disciplines and of the whole people of God’.

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